Researcher at the CTU in Prague with a passion for new technologies, bringing IoT into the field of Civil Engineering, giving new tools into the hands of professionals for more economical, safer and faster in-situ decisions while also providing crucial data for further research and analysis.

Researcher & cementitious materials specialist.
Creating a link between Civil Engineering and modern technologies brings new incredible opportunities for development.
- Name: Pavel Trávníček
- Website: www.paveltravnicek.com
- Phone: +775 248 328
- City: Prague, Czechia
- Degree: Ing., Ph.D.
- Birthday: 25 July 1989
- Email: pavel.travnicek.89 (at) gmail.com
- Freelance: Available
As a researcher, I especially enjoy working with the research team to develop specific hypotheses and data collection methods. During my role as a postdoctoral researcher, I have combined my knowledge of materials and structural design with my passion for electronics, 3D printing and design to develop a number of prototypes currently used for further material research.
Academic Qualifications
2014 - 2017
Yokohama National University, Japan
- Thesis on Functionally Graded Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites for Improving Concrete Durability.
- Shape optimisation of fibre reinforced concrete railway sleepers.
- Chloride ion ingression in sound and cracked mortar.
2008 - 2014
Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague
- Dissertation on form finding of concrete cast in a membrane formwork using Matlab software.
- Durability optimisation by a functionally graded material and experimental work on a fabric formwork concrete and evaluation of surface hardness.
2004 - 2008
J.Gocar Construction College
Work & Research Experience
2017 - Present
Czech Technical University in Prague
- Development of prototype experimental devices for field and lab research, including both hardware and software.
- Monitoring of fresh concrete pressure use on-site, a project with Skanska a.s.
- Real-time temperature and humidity monitoring for a Hysitron chamber.
- Cement paste viscosity and thixotropy analysis using the TI950 Triboindenter and development of experimental protocols.
- Design and execution of experimental work with data analysis.
- Development of material database, web development, administration.
- Research into new materials, characterisation of microstructure, and modelling of transport processes within the concrete (e.g., chloride diffusion, advection and corrosion), damage models in concrete. Solving physical fields on a continuum level by taking into account the physico-chemical interactions.
- Development of a reliable and integrated numerical tool for modelling chloride transport coupled with mechanical damage due to steel corrosion.
2014 - 2017
Yokohama National University, Japan
- Research of SHCC (Strain Hardening Cementitious Composites).
- Shape optimisation of fibre reinforced concrete railway sleepers.
2013 - 2014
BHM Ingenieure, Overall engineering and consulting services
- CADKON 3D modelling of reinforcing steel for a water power plant.
- Design of new and rehabilitation of existing concrete structures.
2013 - 2014
Origon s.r.o., Architectural and design bureau
- Preparation of project documentation in various stages of design: architectural study, zoning decision, building permits. Project supervision and coordination of individual professions in different stages of project documentation.